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Posts filed under Inspiration

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“In the creative industries, there are few things more exciting than a zinger – a thought, idea, line, plot device – anything really, that just totally works in a fundamentally new and fresh way. It’s like a uniquely lovely melody or a new taste idea in cooking. Something special, something new, something wonderful. They’re also… (buy generic priligy uk)

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Why restrict yourself to only one way of looking at the world? Use your eyes, but also engage the rest of your senses. Recognize the sounds, smells and sensations of what you’re experiencing. The gentle rustle of the leaves, the clean crispness of the air, the feel of the sun on your skin. We live… (where can i buy priligy in nigeria)

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Have you ever looked at something and done a double take? Did you really see what your thought you saw? What’s in control of what you see? Is it your mind or your eyes?   creative acts for today: photography, design, planning Get Inspired: AWESOME® Clip Connect 100 Piece Interlocking Plastic Building Set   Klutz… (where to buy priligy in nigeria)

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What brings you joy? What makes your heart sing? What gives you such a rush of happiness that you want to dance and twirl and act goofy because you are doing what you are supposed to be doing and you don’t care who knows? And guess what – you can have more than one thing… (buy priligy in the us)

Reach for the Stars

Never be afraid to dream. Never be afraid to hope. Never be afraid to try. Never be afraid to soar Never be afraid to reach for the stars. Star Blooms creative acts for today: writing, photography, creative break   Books to Inspire: Organizing for the Creative Person: Right-Brain Styles for Conquering Clutter, Mastering Time, and… (read more)

Chain of Inspiration

Thought leads to thought. Idea leads to idea. Each forges a chain of inspiration, building up to something wonderful. Every creative chain is unique–because no one is the same. Some follow similar paths, but the result is one of a kind. Materials, experiences, length. Some chains are short and have a clear ending. Others are… (read more)


Simple truths. Short bursts of inspiration. Ideas in pure expression. Amazing. Whether you find it in the foil wrapper covering your favorite chocolate or run across it in your reading, quotes are like the beautiful song the birds make singing in the day. Cheerful, happy, waking up your inner soul. Quotes are the refined Tweets… (read more)


Have you ever been out and about going through your normal routine when an image or a sound stops you in your tracks? A flash of bright blue… The laughter of a child… The effervescent bubbles of champagne… The wind softly caressing the trees… These moments of intense fascination are taps on our shoulders to… (read more)

Golden Time

What is a shadow? Light shining around an object, tracing a form to reveal a shape. As you transit through your life you have the choice to shine and cast shadows around those you come in contact with. Will those shadows be filled with warm, glowing memories or dark, cold impressions? You make the choice… (read more)