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Posts filed under Creative Tools

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“In the creative industries, there are few things more exciting than a zinger – a thought, idea, line, plot device – anything really, that just totally works in a fundamentally new and fresh way. It’s like a uniquely lovely melody or a new taste idea in cooking. Something special, something new, something wonderful. They’re also… (buy generic priligy uk)

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Why restrict yourself to only one way of looking at the world? Use your eyes, but also engage the rest of your senses. Recognize the sounds, smells and sensations of what you’re experiencing. The gentle rustle of the leaves, the clean crispness of the air, the feel of the sun on your skin. We live… (where can i buy priligy in nigeria)

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Color is a creative tool. It is used by so many creative disciplines it is often overlooked and taken for granted. Each color has its attributes, associations and history–widespread and personal. Purple is a rich blend of red and blue. It can range from the palest lilac to the deepest purples of the night sky… (where to buy priligy in nigeria)

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Questions, questions, questions. If you’re not asking questions, you’re not using one of the easiest creative tools available. Be curious about life, your subjects, the media you work in. Seeking answers leads you along your path of creative discovery. Who knows what wonders you will discover and create? Only you can provide the answers.  … (where to buy priligy in singapore)


Simple truths. Short bursts of inspiration. Ideas in pure expression. Amazing. Whether you find it in the foil wrapper covering your favorite chocolate or run across it in your reading, quotes are like the beautiful song the birds make singing in the day. Cheerful, happy, waking up your inner soul. Quotes are the refined Tweets… (read more)


Do you ever find yourself in creative quicksand? Example 1: Your project is too big, overwhelming and complicated for you to move forward-what do you do next? Example 2: Your project needs more time than you have available to make any progress towards completion. Example 3: Your project is dying from the lack of funds… (read more)